UNH 2030

UNH 2030
Aerial view of foliage on Durham campus 

As we look to the future, we are crafting a vision for UNH that is grounded in hope and purpose. We are laying the groundwork for a strategic plan that addresses the question: What do we envision UNH to be in 2030? Through close collaboration between UNH President Elizabeth Chilton and the strategic planning committee, a roadmap is beginning to emerge. We invite you to actively participate in this process, with more opportunities for engagement throughout the semester, including listening sessions in March and April.

learn more about upcoming community forums 

Four Strategic Priorities


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First Destination 

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State Impact

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First Destination

UNH is a first-choice destination for students seeking public higher education in New England. 

While UNH is a first-choice destination for many, we strive to expand this notion to reach additional learners.  Accomplishing this goal will require understanding the attributes and expectations of our current and aspirational student body and aligning this understanding with our enrollment practices, programs of study, facilities, student experience services and outcomes. The committee will consider strategies needed to attract, support and retain learners from different backgrounds and at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Specific goals and strategies to increase the percentage of New Hampshire residents who consider and choose UNH should be included. 


Draft Objectives

We aim to inspire students to explore, enroll and succeed at UNH by expanding recruitment, tailoring academic opportunities and highlighting experiential learning and outcomes for all learners. Efforts will focus on attracting and retaining students, and enhancing strategic enrollment planning to reach diverse groups of students at all levels.  

Using market research on student, family and alumni perceptions, UNH will develop a holistic marketing plan to showcase its distinct strengths in academic excellence, research, location and sustainability. We will also optimize financial aid and highlight student career outcomes to communicate the value of a UNH education to the public.   

The university will foster student connections, belonging and a vibrant campus experience. We will enhance engagement through research, co-curricular opportunities and well-being initiatives, while also improving campus facilities to better serve academic and recreational needs. 

UNH will embed student success and academic excellence into all aspects of its culture, policies and practices to create a supportive environment where every student can thrive personally and professionally. 


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UNH has distinctive interdisciplinary education and research strengths.

UNH has distinctive interdisciplinary strengths in education and research. While we will always be a comprehensive university with strengths in the arts, sciences, humanities and professional schools, we also have nationally and internationally recognized expertise in areas such as land, sea and space science, sustainability and advanced manufacturing. This committee will identify the infrastructure, policies, practices and resources needed to enhance our reputation in interdisciplinary research and education and recommend ways to advance successful interdisciplinary programs.


Draft Objectives

Interdisciplinary courses developed, offered and co-taught by faculty from different disciplines as part of normal curriculum across colleges

Multi-authored publications by authors from across different disciplines, departments and colleges

Undergraduate scholarship in the form of Inquiry publication and/or Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) presentation on interdisciplinary work

Interdisciplinary grant submissions and awards

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UNH commits to fostering a community of well-being and belonging.

This focus area centers on strengthening and promoting a welcoming and inclusive UNH community in which to learn, live and work. UNH aims to build a resilient, supportive and flourishing community through positive change at individual, department/unit and institutional levels. The committee, in collaboration with the campuses and communities in which we are embedded, will promote health, well-being, belonging, inclusion and connection by considering innovative programs, policies and practices. The committee will guide initiatives that address the evolving needs of learners and employees to thrive professionally and personally. 


Draft Objectives

Engage in activities and programs that build social connections, celebrate differences and support work-life balance by creating transparent and inclusive university policies and practices to ensure access to resources that encourage belonging.

UNH promotes holistic well-being by enhancing wellness education, ensuring fair access to health services, supporting faculty, staff and students, and fostering collaboration with health networks to meet the community’s evolving needs across all eight dimensions of wellness.

Create an equitable, supportive and rewarding work environment that prioritizes well-being, professional growth and fair treatment through sustainable policies, resources and recognition.

Embed health and well-being into all aspects of our campus culture, policies and practices while creating supportive environments that enhance our success as an institution for each UNH community member to thrive personally and professionally.

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State Impact

The University of New Hampshire enhances the state’s prosperity by developing talent, driving innovation and strengthening communities.    

This focus area guides our contributions to the state’s economic vitality, social well-being and resilience. This includes developing an educated, inclusive and engaged society with the skills to thrive in a changing world, the continued pursuit of public impact research, and fostering deep and mutually beneficial partnerships with communities, institutions and businesses. The below objectives provide a focused roadmap for UNH’s impact across New Hampshire, ensuring the university remains a leader in economic, social and environmental progress. 


Draft Objectives

Build strong partnerships with local and state government, non-profit and community leaders across New Hampshire to support community and economic vitality and quality of life statewide.

Apply UNH’s research, expertise and innovation to address critical statewide, fostering solutions that improve New Hampshire’s future and inform public policy.

Align academic programs with industry needs, expand work-based learning opportunities and build stronger partnerships with businesses and educational institutions to support career success and economic growth.

Strengthen corporate partnerships, foster small business development and position UNH as a leader in economic innovation, social enterprise and entrepreneurship through research commercialization and business incubation.

Committee Membership

Co-Chair: Cyndee Gruden, Interim Provost, VP Academic Affairs, Provost Office

Co-Chair: Danielle O'Neil, Chief Marketing Officer, Marketing

Co-Chair: Kim DeRego, V. Provost, Enrollment, Provost Office

Co-Chair: Vidya Sundar, Associate Professor, CHHS

Lu Echazu: Associate Dean, Paul College

Jesse Stabile Morrell: Asst Dean, Lec., COLSA

Ashby Kinch: Vice-Provost & Dean, Graduate School

Christa Ricker: Director of New Student and Family Programs, Student Life

Tessa Marinello: Student, 1st year representative, COLA

Sarah Dorner: Assistant Dean for Grad Admissions & International Outreach, Law

Michaela Sabin: Professor, CPS

Co-Chair: Paul Robertson, Sr. Lecturer, Dir. of Hamel UG Research Center, COLA

Co-Chair: Anthony Davis Dean, COLSA

Mark Milutonivoch:  Ex. Dir., Large Center Development, REEO

Ruth Varner: Prof, CEPS

Stephen Bird: Director, Carsey

Sonic Woytonik: Sr. Lecturer    

Rawan AlSarraf: Ph.D. student in Agriculture, Nutritional and Food Systems, COLSA

Co-Chair, Kathleen Grace-Bishop, Director, Ed. and Promotion, Health and Wellness

Co-Chair: Jeffrey M Halpern, Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering and Chair, Faculty Senate

Kendra Lewis: Associate State Specialist/Extension Professor

Guangzhou Chen: Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation Management and Policy; Extension Affiliate Faculty, Community and Economic Development

Annie NevellsDir. Grad Enrollment/AdvisingPaul College

Nadine PettyAVP and CDO,  Pres. Office

Maggie McGrathStudent Senate Health and Wellness Council, Chair

Lisa EnrightAsst. Dean, Student Success, CPS at UNH Manchester

Fumi Kimura: Deputy Director of Athletics

Co-ChairCharlie FrenchAssoc. Ext. Professor, Ext Team LeadExtension

Co-Chair: Tom CroninChief of StaffPresident's Office

Justine StadlerDirector of Corporate EngagementREEO

Mike Decelle DeanCPS, UNH-M

Mary StamponeAssoc Prof, COLA

Michele Holt ShannonDirector, NH ListensCarsey School

Raina SpraugeExecutive Director, Employer RelationsCaPS

Jayson SeamanDept. ChairRec Mgmt. and Policy

Seth OranburgProfessorLaw


Subcommittee Community Forum Schedule

First-Choice Destination

Tuesday, March 4, 12 - 1 p.m. in MUB Strafford Room and via Zoom: http://unh.zoom.us/j/94852536298


Tuesday, March 4, 1 - 2 p.m. in MUB Theatre 2 and via Zoom: http://unh.zoom.us/j/92139068392

Community Well-Being 

Friday, March 7, 10-11 a.m. in MUB Theatre 2 and via Zoom: http://unh.zoom.us/j/98361562270

State Impact

Tuesday, March 11, 1 - 2 p.m. in MUB Theatre 2 and via Zoom: http://unh.zoom.us/j/99492917074